Minimum Feedback for Collision-Free Scheduling in Massive Random Access

Published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2021

Recommended citation: Kang, J., Yu, W. (2021). " Minimum Feedback for Collision-Free Scheduling in Massive Random Access.".

Abstract:Consider a massive random access scenario in which a small set of $k$ active users out of a large number of $n$ potential users need to be scheduled in $b\ge k$ slots. What is the minimum common feedback to the users needed to ensure that scheduling is collision-free? Instead of a naive scheme of listing the indices of the $k$ active users in the order in which they should transmit, at a cost of $k\log(n)$ bits, this paper shows that for the case of $b=k$, the minimum fixed-length common feedback code requires only $k\log(e)$ bits, plus an additive term that scales as $\Theta \left(\log \log(n) \right)$. If a variable-length code can be used, assuming uniform activity among the users, the minimum average common feedback rate still requires $k \log(e)$ bits, but the dependence on $n$ can be reduced to $O(1)$. When $b>k$, the number of feedback bits needed for collision-free scheduling can be significantly further reduced. Moreover, a similar scaling on the minimum feedback rate is derived for the case of scheduling $m$ users per slot, when $k \le mb$. Finally, the problem of constructing a minimum collision-free feedback scheduling code is connected to that of constructing a perfect hashing family, which allows practical feedback scheduling codes to be constructed from perfect hashing algorithms.

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