Learning to Understand: Identifying Interactions via the Mobius Transform
Published in Submitted, 2024
Recommended citation: Kang, J., Erginbas, Y.E., Butler, L., Pedarsani, R., Ramchandran, K. (2024). "Learning to Understand: Identifying Interactions via the Mobius Transform". https://justinkang221.github.io/files/kang2024mobius.pdf
Abstract: One of the most fundamental problems in machine learning is finding interpretable representations of the functions we learn. The Mobius transform is a useful tool for this because its coefficients correspond to unique importance scores on sets of input variables. The Mobius Transform is strongly related (and in some cases equivalent) to the concept of Shapley value, which is a widely used game-theoretic notion of importance. This work focuses on the (typical) regime where the fraction of non-zero Mobius coefficients (and thus interactions between inputs) is small compared to the set of all $2^n$ possible interactions between $n$ inputs. When there are $K = O(2^{n \delta})$ with $\delta \leq \frac{1}{3}$ non-zero coefficients chosen uniformly at random, our algorithm exactly recovers the Mobius transform in $O(Kn)$ samples and $O(Kn^2)$ time with vanishing error as $K \rightarrow \infty$, the first non-adaptive algorithm to do so. We also uncover a surprising connection between group testing and the Mobius transform. In the case where all interactions are between at most $t = \Theta(n^{\alpha})$ inputs, for $\alpha < 0.409$, we are able to leverage results from group testing to provide the first algorithm that computes the Mobius transform in $O(Kt\log n)$ sample complexity and $O(K\mathrm{poly}(n))$ time with vanishing error as $K \rightarrow \infty$. Finally, we present a robust version of this algorithm that achieves the same sample and time complexity under some assumptions, but with a factor depending on noise variance. Our work is deeply interdisciplinary, drawing from tools spanning across signal processing, algebra, information theory, learning theory and group testing to address this important problem at the forefront of machine learning.